A company lunch is a much-cherished tradition amongst employees of all organizations. These lunches are not just about the food but also about camaraderie and strengthening the relationships that are vital for the success of your organization. This blog will look at ways in which you can effectively conduct a company lunch by setting the right tone and keeping your employees interested and engaged. So, read this blog and use these corporate lunch ideas and have fun.
Some Amazing Corporate Lunch Ideas For Employees
Many big companies have company lunch ideas. It is a good team-building exercise because it brings people together in a fun environment.
Standup Comedy Show
Witness some of the best comedians across India for a live in-person with your colleagues. The Laugher Unlimited show comprises Live crowd-work with your employees. What's a standup night without some impromptu jokes and interaction with the crowd? We then have some hilarious and relatable seta done by the comedian live for your employees. Laugh your lungs out as we ensure a crazy good, stress-free time for your work-fam. Celebrity Standup Comedians like Gaurav Kapoor, Amit Tandon, Jeeveshu, and others are available. Upcoming Standup Comedians are also available.
Live Sound Jam: Musical Concert

Live musical concert with Bollywood and English Medleys as your team members lunch together. Vibe up the evening with melodies that you can't miss. A popular live band will perform the concert for your team members. Request your favorite numbers and jam along.
No Smiling
Before initiating a meeting or party, invite everyone to sit down and tell your employees they are not allowed to smile for a couple of minutes. See who can last the longest.
Show on Illusion, Magic, and Mindreading
Experience mind-blowing acts of live magic that involve good old tricks, sleight of hand, scientific mindreading, and illusion. Be wary as our professional magician might just crack open your credit card pin. All the tricks are done with the audience while keeping them super engaged. The segment includes one-on-one tricks as well as performance tricks to keep the participants engaged throughout the duration of the event. If you want more lunch team building ideas then click here.