In this article, we will try to cover all indoor team building activities that can help an employee to bond with his colleagues. The biggest advantage of indoor team building activities is that you can easily prepare them. You don't have to travel to a different place for outdoor team building activities. You can hold indoor team building events in your office. These activities are fantastic for strengthening the connection between employees and helping to foster a stronger bond.
Some Amazing Games For Indoor Team Building Events
So, we have listed some best indoor team building games for your events check out these games given down:-
Team formation
We get the participants to form teams of 5 - 8 people each randomly. This is done for the team activities. Each team has to come up with the team names and slogans
Everything's Bananas
Each team gets a list of items they must calculate in banana lengths. Each group receives a banana of the same length. The first group with the correct answer wins. E.g. to measure the Length of the conference room.
Catch me if you can: The Challenge
Objective: A fun energizer, to focus on mind and body coordination with an objective to win. All the participants are divided into pairs. In-between the participants a prop (e.g. plate/cup) is kept. They have to follow the confusing instructions of the emcee and grab the prop the fastest. The winners of the first-round move into the next round
No smiling
Before initiating a meeting or party, invite everyone to sit down and tell your employees they are not allowed to smile for a couple of minutes. See who can last the longest.
Two truths and a lie
Every partaker must tell two realities about themselves that the rest of the group does not know. The players must also come up with a conceivable falsehood. The other partakers will then ask questions to decide which are the two real truths and the lie. Make the game more blissful by coming up with facts and lies as extraordinary as possible!
Thank you for reading our article on indoor team building activities! We hope that you have found it helpful and that you can use some of the activity ideas that we have shared to make your event celebration even better. If you have any doubt, please visit us on our website.